First things first, a special thanks.

notyfy is a fork of the wonderful noty jQuery plugin by Needim Arabacı. Special thanks to him for the original repo. See below for details on whats different from the original plugin.


notyfy is a fork of the original noty jQuery plugin by Needim Arabacı, that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional). notyfy adds the ability to style notyfy via CSS, as well removing the need for JS-based layouts and implementing event-type callbacks.

The notifications can be positioned at the;
top - topLeft - topCenter - topRight - center - centerLeft - centerRight - bottom - bottomLeft - bottomCenter - bottomRight

There are lots of other options in the API to customise the text, animation, speed, buttons and much more.

It also has various events for the buttons, opening closing the notifications and queue control.

Layouts & Demos

Top Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
TopLeft Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
TopCenter Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
TopRight Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
CenterLeft Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
Center Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
CenterRight Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
BottomLeft Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
BottomCenter Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
BottomRight Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
Bottom Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm


Include jQuery latest release in your header. The Google AJAX Libraries API can be used for this but you could also host the library yourself.

Download notyfy from the Github and upload the files to your server.

Include jquery.notyfy.js and its dependancies below jQuery.
Also add themes/default.css to your header. Or some other theme.

notyfy is compatible with jQuery 1.5+ for now.

Your code should then be similar to this:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.notyfy.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.notyfy.css"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="themes/default.css"></script>

Creating a notyfy

We wrote a helper for creating notyfy easily. So you can use notyfy(properties); Just like this;

Returns a notyfy javascript object. (not jquery dom object, but you can access dom with this object)

var notyfy = notyfy({text: 'notyfy - Yet another jQuery notification plugin'});

Options & Defaults

Available options listed below.

$.notyfy.defaults = {
	layout: 'top',
	theme: 'default',
	type: 'alert',
	text: '',
	dismissQueue: true, // If you want to use queue feature set this true
	template: '<div class="notyfy_message"><span class="notyfy_text"></span><div class="notyfy_close"></div></div>',
	showEffect:  function(bar) { bar.animate({ height: 'toggle' }, 500, 'swing'); },
	hideEffect:  function(bar) { bar.animate({ height: 'toggle' }, 500, 'swing'); },
	timeout: false, // delay for closing event. Set false for sticky notifications
	force: false, // adds notification to the beginning of queue when set to true
	modal: false,
	closeWith: ['click'], // ['click', 'button', 'hover']
	events: {
		show: null,
		hide: null,
		shown: null,
		hidden: null
	buttons: false // an array of buttons

Custom Container

Just like this;

var notyfy = $('.custom_container').notyfy({text: 'notyfy - a jquery notification library!'});
Alert Success Error
Warning Information Confirm
Custom Container

Theme (But How?)

notyfyCSS is easily themable using CSS. See the themes/default.css theme for details

After that you can set your new theme with notyfy theme property. Like;

	var notyfy_id = notyfy({
		text: 'notyfy - a jquery notification library!',
		theme: 'your_new_theme',


We can set button objects with an array like above;

	text: 'Do you want to continue?', 
	buttons: [{
		addClass: 'btn btn-primary',
		text: 'Ok',
		onClick: function($notyfy) {
				// this = button element
				// $notyfy = $notyfy element

				notyfy({text: 'You clicked "Ok" button', type: 'success'});
	}, {
		addClass: 'btn btn-danger',
		text: 'Cancel',
		onClick: function($notyfy) {
			notyfy({text: 'You clicked "Cancel" button', type: 'error'});


notyfyCSS has 4 events that you can bind() too!

show - hide - shown - hidden


$.notyfy.get(id) - Returns a notyfy javascript object

$.notyfy.close(id) - Close a notyfy - same as var n = notyfy({text: 'Hi!'})); n.close();

$.notyfy.clearQueue() - Clears the notification queue

$.notyfy.closeAll() - Close all notifications

$.notyfy.setText(id, text) - Notification text updater - same as var n = notyfy({text: 'Hi!'})); n.setText('Hi again!');

$.notyfy.setType(id, type) - Notification type updater - same as var n = notyfy({text: 'Hi!'})); n.setType('error');

Github Commit History

Committer Message Date